Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Another example of the difference in cultures. Today is Pancake Day. Well, at least it is to me. To the rest of Canada it's a Tuesday like any other. To a few, it's Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. At least in the UK most people would know (and celebrate) the fact that it's Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day. Not here. It's another thing that's quietly disappeared from my calendar.

I guess one of the more important differences to note when you move from the UK to Canada, is that when driving through traffic lights, pedestrians also have a green light. [Warning! Ontario only! Other provinces may not share this point of view] This is OK if you're not turning, but if you are turning either left or right then you will most likely be crossing the pedestrians' right of way. You really do have to watch out for people on foot, because in the UK if cars have a green light, then pedestrians have a red and vice versa. It's safer that way, but less efficient. No doubt when you cross the road in Canada you're more happy about the increased efficiency than you are worried about the increased risk.

I think I'm coming down with something. I'm feeling a bit run down, though that could be any of a number of things. I have the same "symptoms" that I get before the onset of a cold. Lately I've been able to fight off any infection, but unless things ease up I can't see my immune system being able to stand up to a nasty bug for any length of time. It's only so long before I succumb, and it's the running around at work, the maniac drivers on the 401, and other stuff that's not going 100% right now - that's all adding up to a break in health. I can feel it. Bed earlier, I think, and wrap up warmer at home. And more vitamin C.

If I remember, I'll try to take my camera in the car for a few days and sneak off a few shots of the scenery - there's a hawk family that lives in Mississauga, and the dawn mists are starting to look pretty again.

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